Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Looking Back and Moving Forward with Deb Cummins Stellato

Deb Cummins Stellato Season 1 Episode 32

In this episode, I'm reflecting back on the past 6 months of COVID. And the paradoxical world we are living in. And what being intentional about our personal COVID story is all about.

For my family, it all started on March 15th when my husband had a seizure while standing on line at a grocery store. Although this was a one-time event, he lost his license for six months. And then on March 17th, STAY at Home started. It's taken a lot of pivoting to share our space and for me to be the sole driver in our household.

I also explore in-depth the concept of cumulative grief and how it finally caught up with me. Owning this unhealed pain brought me to a catabolic place. And I've leaned into reigniting my support systems.

And, I also spend time talking about the clarity of purpose I've been able to explore during this time. I've been redefining my own definition of success. Clarifying my passion for building a community of women who can #ThinkCourageously together. 

Finally, I talk about bringing fun and joy back into my life.