Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Ask the Podcaster or Why Does Deb Think She is so Funny?

Deb Cummins Stellato Season 1 Episode 18

I'm not 100% sure why I decided to have this "Ask The Podcaster" episode on show 18. It feels a little indulgent. I could have waited for the "Big 20" or some other arbitrary milestone. But, obviously, I didn't.

Truth be told, yesterday was my birthday. My first and hopefully, my last, "COVID-19" birthday. I am a great lover of the practice of doing birthdays in a BIG way. As a mom, I would consider party planning to be one of my best skill sets. We had all sorts of cool birthdays for my daughter Alli. American Girl tea parties. Red-carpet Hollywood events. These were not lavish Kardashian type gatherings, but more creative expressions of my love for my magnificent child. 

As an adult, I started a totally ego-centric activity. Ready...wait for it...National Deb Appreciation Month, which falls in May. I felt deserving of this Festivus because my bday and Mother's Day fell so closely together. Why not keep the party going?

However; those days have sadly come to an end with this Pandemic thing. Long way of saying I did this podcast simply for fun on my birthday week during a not-so-fun time. 

You'll learn lots of crazy things about me thanks to the curious questions of my fabulous followers. 

I really hope you enjoy this. And if you are smiling...I've had the perfect day!