Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Feeding Your Soul and Finding Courage with Rebecca Braitling

Deb Cummins Stellato

Success, courage, pivots. Rebecca Bratiling, my guest today, shares her journey from lawyer to entrepreneur.

I come from a long line of lawyers so Rebecca's story really resonated with me. 

In this episode, Rebecca speaks about redefining success. Early in her career, she realized that the practice of law just didn't feed her soul. So, she made a pivot and took a pay cut and became an Employee Relations leader at a large company. When her company was acquired, she was again faced with the choice. Stay in HR or pivot again. 

The rest is history. Rebecca chose the route of entrepreneur and is a founding partner at InspiraWork. InspirWork's mission is to transform companies into communities. This adventure has been filled with opportunities for growth and impact. 

We also talk about trusting your gut, aligning values with opportunities and the power of synergy. 

Rebecca shares the story of meeting her "SHERO", Oprah and the important lesson she learned from that encounter. 

And, we talk about how important it is for powerful, successful women to show up and support other women. 

Coach to coach, friend to friend, this episode is filled with rich "nuggets" around thinking courageously.